Tired of going to work?
Tired of the endless bills?
Tired of paying taxes?
Oh ~ check out the date...
Everyone's favorite day of the year!Tired of washing dishes?
Doing laundry?
Ok, you get the idea.
Well, you too can

Just head on down to the California Science Center.
Put your hand through a glove into a net and try to catch ping pong balls as they fly around in a plexiglass box.
I was a barnacle.
For about 18 seconds.
I don't need to be one again.
Watched the
Little Feat little feet on the starfish on the glass.

This I liked.
Did this for more than 18 seconds.

Then watched the kelp sway.
And the fish swim.
Pretended I liked to scuba dive.

Missed the Imax movie, but enjoyed the outside of the theatre.
Ok, enough of the CaSciCenter.
Off to Anaheim to meet up with two of the
lord knows how many nieces!
With children!
Kim was here from Nevada with her husband Billy and kids, Brandon and Courtney.
Elizabeth drove down from TO (yeah, about 1/2 hour from where we live...) with her kids Charlie and Jacqueline.
So party at the pool.
Entertained by swimming children.
Uh, what do you say to a 7 year old when she asks, "Can you do this?"

Well, I apparently said the wrong thing when I replied, "No, but the boys sure will like you when you are older" as mommy Elizabeth of said 7 year old told me that's not what you tell the mom of little girl.
While mom of little girl was laughing.
Dinner at the hotel.
Big table.
Everyone ate like pigs.

Party in our room.
Except for wise Billy.
He bailed and went to his room.
UNO tournament.
One not related to us.
Watched Disneyland's fireworks from our window.
Kids falling asleep on our bed.
Didn't want the night to end...

Next day?
OH GAWD, there's more?Watched Courtney and not-the-relative Taylor get over-the-top made up for their cheerleader competition.

Jim joined the cheerleading squad...
Then back through Hell-A where we stopped at the Museum of Natural History.
Right next to where I was a barnacle the day before.
Hey, if we have to drive through Los Angeles, I am going to kill as many
pigeons birds as possible with the one tank of fuel!

This time giant dinosaurs!
Giant fin whale skeleton!

Uh, now I know why we turn our boat away from whales...