Looking for a Catamaran Cruising Blog?

If you found this blog via a link from a cruising site ~ we did cruise Mexico on our Ocean 49 cat for a season. See the first text box on the right for links to our preparations, trip down Baja, life in Mexico, cruising and trip back up to SoCal. Unfortunately we are back to the grind in the USA...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Drive All Over SoCal & Eat Like a Pig... aka Thanksgiving

I think we set a record as to how many Thanksgiving meals we inhaled enjoyed over this four day weekend of eating.

First "The Wild Animal Thanksgiving".
Or "Brett Cleaned Out His Freezer".
Or "This Is Not Normal"...
Seriously, this was not normal.

We had lobster, elk, turkey, wild turkey (no, not the kind that comes in a bottle), ham, pheasant, duck, wild boar and about 27 side dishes.

The best part?
Besides the over the top feast?
The friends!
Brett, Terri and dog, Beau.
Melissa and Brock from our old C-Dock days!
And met Melissa's husband, Lee and baby, Ciena.

Awesome day.

Next day we hit a couple of wineries in between eating leftovers.

Third day, Jim cooked his traditional (meaning no pheasant or wild boar) Thanksgiving on the boat.
Then off to a going away party for Ed on G-Dock who is after all these years of swearing he would, sailed off to La Paz.

Fourth day ~ family Thanksgiving with tri tip as we were turkeyed out.


Doug and Carla Scott said...

Lots of good celebrating on Thanksgiving - glad you had so much and so many!

Meghan said...

Thanks for mentioning your AWESOME family that you spent ALL Sunday with.... ;)

Suzie said...

Ah, the good life! Being overfed is certainly what it is rated to be! I love it!

Jim and Heather on Meerkat said...

Sorry Meghan, this was more about reconnecting with Melissa and Brock after 10 years than the whole weekend. The only pics I took on Sunday were of your hair upside down!

Anonymous said...

Great pics! Happy late turkey day!