Up to the sunrise over the East hills.Ok, we saw the beach, so now where to?
We headed outside so Jim could fish.Had a beer on the way (hey, we are on vacation and it's 5 o'clock somewhere...)!
He caught a couple of chunks of kelp, so we headed to the gap between Santa Cruz and Anacapa to fish. He caught one small rockfish and a decent sized sculpin who jumped off right at the surface.
We poked our nose (noses, since we have two bows?) around the corner to see what it would be like if we headed up to Prisoners - didn't look too good, so anchored in "Hungryman's Gulch" (who named this place?). We had a nice view of the channel and Anacapa. And a great view of "Honukai" as they sailed along. We put the kayaks in the water and explored the small beaches, the cliffs and the rocks. We had a few harbor seals following us. The water looked like an aquarium! We watched one freak wave wash a harbor seal off a rock. There were lots of pelicans on the rocks who watched us watch them.
Back to the boat for lunch. The wind started coming up (AGAIN) and I wasn't comfortable in this anchorage, so we pulled anchor and moved over to Yellowbanks, where it was beautiful! For about a half an hour... Then the wind came up... and up.
We watched one kayak blow away from a boat and get rescued. Then watched another guy try to row from one boat to another. He was really struggling, so we finally dropped the dinghy in water to go assist. By the time we got over to him, he had made it back to the boat.
We wathced the wind, waves and spray for several hours. Luckily the 3 or 4 boats anchored in front of us had decent anchors and had anchored well. I made chicken casserole for dinner. We ate inside and listened to the wind. It calmed down around 8 pm (yahoo!) so I read for awhile and went to bed. Jim curled up on the cushions in the cockpit to listen and watch.
Come See My New Blog
7 years ago
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