I just happened to be on channel 16 hailing another boat and Wayne heard me, so we knew they were coming in.
We were the official welcoming committee, along with Abel the marina worker.
We (of course) had to visit, catch up, have a glass of wine then go to Rancho Viejo for arracherra ~ yum!
Then to The Dock Cafe for ice cream ~ more yum!
And second, the other kind of wildlife.
The quiet, well-behaved kind.
Friends in low places....hruuumph!
we envy you too much not to be your sailling buddies...
thanks for meeting up with us, giving us wine(and the headache that goes with it), helping us dock (the Marina should pay you...hey, there's a job) and for the laughs
That's so cool. I love running into old sailing buddies in far off places... You guy's truly have a wonderful life!!!
No Carol, WE are your friends in low places. We are in the lower Sea of Cortez. You were coming from the upper part of the Sea. (Oh I hope she believes that!)
Ok, gotta go help Abel tie up boats for the fuel dock now!
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