The types of things people think someone else will actually want and will actually want to spend money on.
As we were putting the 1000's of pieces of clothing out on the tables yesterday, we would come across either something that was so hideous we couldn't believe someone actually bought it in the first place, or something so stained or deteriorating that we would stop what we were doing and point it out ~ we asked each other why would someone donate a baby t-shirt with baby throw-up on it, or a t-shirt with the collar disintegrating and THINK that someone else would want their crap that should have been turned into rags about a year ago???
So my suggestion was to just throw the item on the ground.
Then no one would see it, it would get really dirty by us stepping on it and it would soon become trash.
The easy way out.
I didn't do this with the hideous tacky stuff, only the disgusting filthy stuff.

Remember wrap-around pants?
I saw some yesterday.
Hadn't seen those since the 70's I think.
This is the kind of stuff that keeps me up at night...
This, along with an aching back from pulling a 44' catamaran in to the dock against the tide and wind the day before.

So yoga this morning.
This is pretty much what I look like after 5 years of yoga.
An elephant.
And out of thin air this afternoon came thoughts on parenting (whoa, I have no kids) and some really, really important things that my parents did.

The entire family sat down every night for dinner.
Yes, together.
And yes, I would feed peas to the dog.
And yes, we had to eat what my Mom put on our plates.
None of this cooking 5 different things for 5 different picky spoiled children.
Except that she would put raw carrots on the table for me when she made cooked carrots.
But that isn't cooking.
In fact, I saved her from cooking my carrots.
I get thouroughly disgusted with spoiled children that run the household.
Whoa ~ where is all this coming from?
Uh ~ Monday?
I have no idea.
So for my dinner (Jim is once again working with John), I finally made the cajun chicken with red beans and rice.
The pics are for Overboard, who so wanted to see my food.
Now she can quit clicking on the reactions.
Or not.
Click away.
That looks yummy!! Maybe I should cook things like that and then maybe we would eat better.
I'll never, ever, ever stop clicking on the reactions.
Evil roar.
(I was almost too mesmerised to comment)
Te food looked delicious! It's 28 degreed here. Freezing!!! LOL at the elephant yoga!
Heather we may have had the same mom... regrettably I broke many of my mom's dinner time rules.
At school, we collect food for Thanksgiving and donate it to needy families in our neighborhood. We have about 50% Hispanic in the school, so what do we get? Cans of enchilada sauce and Squash Flower soup... makes you wonder what these people are thinking.
Ha ha to you all.
Jen - you should and can!
Overboard - I can change "mesmerized" to "bored to tears for you"?
Jolea - Florida in a few days!
Jomamma, I'll be sending some cans of jalapenos and hominy on over.
I think people give away crap because they are too lazy to throw it away? But, that doesn't really make sense, cause the trash can is closer than a donation center. Nobody wants your skid marked boxers, folks!
Yes, dinner with the family-remember the 'he/she's looking at me!' 'make them stop looking at me!'
I think people give away crap because they are too lazy to throw it away? But, that doesn't really make sense, cause the trash can is closer than a donation center. Nobody wants your skid marked boxers, folks!
Yes, dinner with the family-remember the 'he/she's looking at me!' 'make them stop looking at me!'
oops, sorry about the double post, I guess I feel strongly about this issue!
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