Looking for a Catamaran Cruising Blog?

If you found this blog via a link from a cruising site ~ we did cruise Mexico on our Ocean 49 cat for a season. See the first text box on the right for links to our preparations, trip down Baja, life in Mexico, cruising and trip back up to SoCal. Unfortunately we are back to the grind in the USA...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Goodbye Cousin Jeff!

We were lucky enough to attend my cousin's memorial on Sunday in Yucaipa.
Which is about half way to Phoenix...
Made record time on the way home though!

Back to my cousin.
Jeff Clark.
He was the oldest of five.
I am the youngest of five.
Huge age difference.
Enough age difference that he could have been my father.
We were never very close.
But I am very close to his sisters and niece.

Awesome stories from his friends.
He was extremely giving.
Never, ever complained all through his illnesses.
He always had a camera in hand.
Full of extremely corny jokes.

I loved that my cousin, Julianne incorporated what I had written to her in what she said.
I loved, loved, loved that my cousin, Dana was able to be there!
Talk about icing on the weekend cake!
I loved the stories.
The kind words.
Even the tears.
Yes, even the tears.

Stavros, Delaina, Jim, Heather, Dana & Julianne.

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