If you found this blog via a link from a cruising site ~ we did cruise Mexico on our Ocean 49 cat for a season. See the first text box on the right for links to our preparations, trip down Baja, life in Mexico, cruising and trip back up to SoCal. Unfortunately we are back to the grind in the USA...
Sunday, October 12, 2008
And Now Back to Our Coverage of Hurricane Norbert 2008! But First This Message From Our Sponser For Overboard
This was my little helper yesterday morning around 9:00 am. Kind of helped after hearing Norbie went back up to a category 3.Actually it did help, because once I drank it, Nordork went down to a category 2.
Ha ha. That's so funny. I quite like that stuff. Senor Garcia on Saltshaker introduced it to me once. However, as I could get Baileys for 200 pesos a bottle, I stuck to that. I can't believe I was drinking Baileys in Mexico. Sometimes, when I was feeling more budget bitchy than usual, I would buy kahlua and then add evaporated milk to it. Ha ha ha. The poor mans Baileys. Tasted bloody good though. 'ere, if you want a sweet desert or yummy spread for tortillas and have a lot of propane spare, then boil a can of sweetened evaporated milk in some water - make sure it's kept covered - for 4 hours and then voila, check it out. I saw this recent fad on a friend's blog who lives in Japan. It looked yummy.
This was only 69 pesos! And the peso is around 12 to a dollar, so that bottle only cost $5.75 US! I'm going to load up before we head to the mainland (sound like the Fronterra?). I think I will pass on the 4 hours of propane usage for now.
Stock up and then bring us some!!! We can't afford good booze right now so we are stuck drinking the cheapest stuff possible, which of course tastes horrible!!
Ok Nun Booze for all! I am having some right now... mmmmmmmm sort of a cross between Bailey's and Frangelico (which would be an Irish Nut or a Nutty Irishman) but this is all cream liquor. Fat manana. Jen & John - congrats on moving on to the boat! Too bad we aren't still 50' away - the fun we would have... the yelling between the docks, the kayak wine delivery, hey - how's my favorite bird, Fiji? Does she say "Here kitty kitty in MY voice? Will email you manana!
Wossat! Kayak wine delivery? I'm coming down to your bay! p.s I bought a giant bottle of Baileys today. It's your fault, you know. Showcasing the Pope stuff. Was cheaper than in Mx. Big bottle, uh, I suppose 1.5litre, for 180 piskits. And.....I found the Carmenere Frontera that Vancouver Runner recommended; so stocked up on 3 bottles cos that liqor store is far from me.
We cruised Mexico's West Coast for 3 years on our prior boat, "Thistle" a Columbia 50. Went back to California in 2000 and bought the "new boat" in 2004. We then spent a year and a half cruising in Mexico. We just did the "Baja Bash" ~ sailed up the outside of Baja and returned to SoCal! We are We are now back to work for awhile...
A thought we say to ourselves everyday:
"You'll only regret the things you didn't do".
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~ Mark Twain
"Life is either a daring adventure or Nothing." ~ Helen Keller
"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for." ~ John A. Shedd
"Make it happen." ~ Alan Burg of the sailing vessel Toshal
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the places and moments that take our breath away." ~ Anonymous
“Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.” ~ Rabbi Hyman Schachtel
"Make 'someday' today." ~ From inside a Dove candy wrapper
Ha ha. That's so funny. I quite like that stuff. Senor Garcia on Saltshaker introduced it to me once. However, as I could get Baileys for 200 pesos a bottle, I stuck to that. I can't believe I was drinking Baileys in Mexico. Sometimes, when I was feeling more budget bitchy than usual, I would buy kahlua and then add evaporated milk to it. Ha ha ha. The poor mans Baileys. Tasted bloody good though.
'ere, if you want a sweet desert or yummy spread for tortillas and have a lot of propane spare, then boil a can of sweetened evaporated milk in some water - make sure it's kept covered - for 4 hours and then voila, check it out. I saw this recent fad on a friend's blog who lives in Japan. It looked yummy.
This was only 69 pesos! And the peso is around 12 to a dollar, so that bottle only cost $5.75 US! I'm going to load up before we head to the mainland (sound like the Fronterra?).
I think I will pass on the 4 hours of propane usage for now.
From the looks of that label, it's approved by the church.
That's cheap.
I think I'll stock up, too.
Stock up and then bring us some!!! We can't afford good booze right now so we are stuck drinking the cheapest stuff possible, which of course tastes horrible!!
Hey you two! We have been thinking about you, how are you? I have send you an e-mail. Miss ya !!!
Jennifer and John C.
Ok Nun Booze for all! I am having some right now... mmmmmmmm sort of a cross between Bailey's and Frangelico (which would be an Irish Nut or a Nutty Irishman) but this is all cream liquor.
Fat manana.
Jen & John - congrats on moving on to the boat! Too bad we aren't still 50' away - the fun we would have... the yelling between the docks, the kayak wine delivery, hey - how's my favorite bird, Fiji? Does she say "Here kitty kitty in MY voice? Will email you manana!
Wossat! Kayak wine delivery? I'm coming down to your bay!
p.s I bought a giant bottle of Baileys today. It's your fault, you know. Showcasing the Pope stuff.
Was cheaper than in Mx. Big bottle, uh, I suppose 1.5litre, for 180 piskits.
And.....I found the Carmenere Frontera that Vancouver Runner recommended; so stocked up on 3 bottles cos that liqor store is far from me.
9:00 am? I'm truly amazed by your willpower! To be able to hold out till that late in the day to get started is awe-inspiring. :)
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