If you found this blog via a link from a cruising site ~ we did cruise Mexico on our Ocean 49 cat for a season. See the first text box on the right for links to our preparations, trip down Baja, life in Mexico, cruising and trip back up to SoCal. Unfortunately we are back to the grind in the USA...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Hurricane Norbert Update or As They Say on The News with Excitement on Their Faces and Glee in Their Voices : "Hurricane Norbert Storm Watch 2008!!!"
Oh yipee crap. Norbert is now a category 4 hurricane. Heading to Southern Baja.Possibly hitting the West coast of Baja as a category 2.So, now if you could all join us and: Hope for cold water. Hope Norbert sits for days over the cold water. Hope Norbert proves all the forecasters wrong and heads due West.
Cold water. Cold water. At least Norbert is moving slowly, which might be a blessing. Fark. And here I was thinking that the season had finished in the E Pacific. More fool me. What's the history of where you boat is re: protection? Is it a good hurricane hole of a marina?
At least your sitting in the best place you can. On the hard at Berck. I dont thimk they have ever lost a boat. Those boys will be out in force checking chains, stands and hold downs.. But still ....cold water....cold water....cold water. My brothers heading down now I think.
Uh - we are on a rail in the boatyard with one boat 3" from us and the next one 2' from us. Old ratty boats that no one has been on for a veerrry long time. Sketchy derelict boats. So we are trying to get in to the inner marina at Costa Baja - or may go back to Marina de La Paz, or may stay on the rail. I think I will let Jim make the big decision. And there is another tropical storm forming!!!! AAAAAGGGHHHHH!
Markitos - you think so? That is exactly what Abel told us, but I'm thinking the inner harbor of Costa. Will post some google earth pics and we can all take a vote.
We cruised Mexico's West Coast for 3 years on our prior boat, "Thistle" a Columbia 50. Went back to California in 2000 and bought the "new boat" in 2004. We then spent a year and a half cruising in Mexico. We just did the "Baja Bash" ~ sailed up the outside of Baja and returned to SoCal! We are We are now back to work for awhile...
A thought we say to ourselves everyday:
"You'll only regret the things you didn't do".
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~ Mark Twain
"Life is either a daring adventure or Nothing." ~ Helen Keller
"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for." ~ John A. Shedd
"Make it happen." ~ Alan Burg of the sailing vessel Toshal
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the places and moments that take our breath away." ~ Anonymous
“Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.” ~ Rabbi Hyman Schachtel
"Make 'someday' today." ~ From inside a Dove candy wrapper
Cold water. Cold water.
At least Norbert is moving slowly, which might be a blessing.
Fark. And here I was thinking that the season had finished in the E Pacific.
More fool me.
What's the history of where you boat is re: protection? Is it a good hurricane hole of a marina?
At least your sitting in the best place you can. On the hard at Berck. I dont thimk they have ever lost a boat. Those boys will be out in force checking chains, stands and hold downs..
But still ....cold water....cold water....cold water. My brothers heading down now I think.
Uh - we are on a rail in the boatyard with one boat 3" from us and the next one 2' from us. Old ratty boats that no one has been on for a veerrry long time. Sketchy derelict boats.
So we are trying to get in to the inner marina at Costa Baja - or may go back to Marina de La Paz, or may stay on the rail. I think I will let Jim make the big decision.
And there is another tropical storm forming!!!! AAAAAGGGHHHHH!
Markitos - you think so? That is exactly what Abel told us, but I'm thinking the inner harbor of Costa.
Will post some google earth pics and we can all take a vote.
Oh and Markitos - your bro's boat is on the hard at Palmira? Eek, I saw 4 boats tip over there during Hurricane Fausto.
SNAP... I feel for ya'll. Cold water, cold water, cold water,cold water, cold water, cold water.
That's quite possible the WORST name for a hurricane I have ever heard... hold on tight!
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