This time the lightning started to the West of us and "bloomed" towards us, passed overhead then went out into the Sea.
Quite the bloom for the end of October!
Loads of rain for about an hour.
I sat and watched while Jim slept.
I started counting the seconds between the lightning flashes ~ the longest gap was 9 seconds.
The shortest was less than 1 second.
3-4 seconds.
Lightning, count to 3, lightning, count to 1, lightning, count to 4, lightning, count to 1/2, lightning.
Some directly over head.
One loud enough over two fans in our stateroom to wake Jim.
One loud enough for me to pour the remaining Nun Booze over ice.
hmmmm.... what's "nun booze"?
It's what you drink in the morning when a category 3 hurricane is heading your way! (and big lightning strikes are above your mast) - see:
If I can be serious (yeah, right), what about that big ole metal lightning rod attached to you boat?
Down here when a bad one comes through I turn off and unplug all the computers, just in case.
I turned the big computer off and kept my fingers crossed. Being in a marina, at least we aren't the only target...
We took a couple side hits on our old boat in Puerto Vallarta one night. Scary stuff!
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