This nice big afternoon chubasco that came through helped cool us and the boat off today.
It was a ssslloooooooowwww moving storm that took over an hour to reach us.
But when it reached us it was one to enjoy!
Huge, HUGE rain drops!
Loud, LOUD rain drops!
Loud enough that we thought it was hail!
Hundreds of lightning strikes and loud thunder following.
What fun!
Fun, because the lightning was never too close.
Fun, because it cooled us off.
Fun, because it washes the rigging (but dumps the dirt all over the deck).
Fun, because it is different.
Fun, because it is nature at her
Fun, because we had nothing else to do.
God I love those. Standing on the fordeck like the king of the world guy. Break out the soap it's shower time!! Unless it's being chased by 30 knots
Cool rain is good! I can remember!....enjoy! We are having cool nights now and Kirby is panicking and complaining already - 60's at night! Love you guys!
We are back among the living and breathing again. Work was frantic for the last week, but has now calmed. It took me awhile to get caught up on your goings on. Glad you enjoyed your trip. It would have been so much nicer had it just been a wee bit cooler. I feel your pain and your joy. We miss those wonderful trips. We tend to remember the wonderful part and conveniently forget the uncomfortable part. That's a good thing.
Hey, we didn't know you had such a wonderful brush with fame. What a nice encounter with the Newman’s. I too, think you should have asked how the food was. That gentleman will be sorely missed. Love you guys.
Yes I am alive! I've been working nonstop for a few months and havent had time for any good blogging...hee hee Palin. Hope you guys are well, I have like 2 months of the Meerkat Odyssey to catch up on!
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