The boat is currently sitting on the rail at Berkovich Boatyard ~ #1.
Being in the boatyard means no waves, no slamming around (hopefully), no moving docks.
However, there are a lot of sketchy derelict boats surrounding us.
But, the workers here stay during the hurricane and check on the jackstands, chains etc.
And they tell us they have never lost a boat!
We are trying to get a slip at the inner harbor at Costa Baja ~ #2.
But trying to get a slip for a 49' x 24.6' boat is not always easy...

Option 3 is to go back to our regular slip at Marina de La Paz.
The marina that got totally wiped out by Hurricane Marty.
But has been re-built with new taller pilings and breakwalls.

Check weather.
Think about our choices.
Check weather.
Think about our choices.
I know what we will be going tonight and tomorrow!
I'd assume you'd be safer on the hard. Tie the boat down well. Cats are low lying so not as likely to topple over.
A lot of boats hauled out last year before hurricane Henriette. They felt safer on the hard.
We will be thinking of you'all. Tim & Pam
I'm going to spend the weekend making ice-cubes and putting them into the sea here. Might work.
I'd stay there. I Saw what happened to Marina La Paz There is just to much water around it The waves where over 6 ft. Those little walls they built might help but if a boat brakes free again oh man. Costa Baja is a good spot But remmeber water moves land doesn't.
Craig My brother is on the way now. Spent one hurry on a mooring had to jump in twice to retie. Iether super brave or super stupid.
Ps Check the boats around you and make sure all the boats are bare poled and lashed. Two boats toppled in Palmira during Marty One still had a head sail up sheeesh whos fault is that?
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