Looking for a Catamaran Cruising Blog?

If you found this blog via a link from a cruising site ~ we did cruise Mexico on our Ocean 49 cat for a season. See the first text box on the right for links to our preparations, trip down Baja, life in Mexico, cruising and trip back up to SoCal. Unfortunately we are back to the grind in the USA...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Where Jim Now Lives...

In our bed...
With the hatches closed...
The curtain pulled...
The computer on...
On the internet...
With the air conditioner on high...Now if I just move "Buzzy" (the small refrigerator) with his cerveza supply in there, he will be set.
Oh, and a toilet too not that we have to use it all that often with the amount we sweat...
Then he would be set.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's what it's all about - You go boy. Tonight we turned off the "air" for the 1st time in 2 months in GA. Find us a cheap catamaran and we'll join you. Love - Steve & Mollie.